Fall Treats! Candied Pumpkin Seeds!

So if you are anything like me, you hate seeing good food go to waste. I love to make pumpkin seeds after I carve out my pumpkins. They are easy, delicious and super festive (and I do like getting into the seasonal spirit).

Last month me and the boyfriend did the traditional pumpkin carving in preparation for halloween. I went pretty simple this year:

The pumpkin seeds are definitely the reason why I carve pumpkins now.

Baking pumpkin seeds was actually never anything that we normally did in my house growing up. I just decided one year I was going to do it, and I’ve been doing it ever since. I like to experiment with all sorts of different flavors. I would recommend trying chipotle seasoned pumpkin seeds and curried pumpkin seeds.

This year, however, I went sweet.


  • Seeds from one pumpkin, cleaned and dried over night.
  • 1/2 c of evoo
  • 1/2 c of brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of pumpkin pie spice (or equal amounts of ground cloves, ginger and nutmeg)

Basically once you have taken the seeds out of the pumpkin and have given them a good washing to remove the fleshy bits you can set them out on a towel to dry overnight.

The next day simply remove the seeds from the towel and place them in a mixing bowl. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Throw in the olive oil, brown sugar and spices. mix until well coated then place the seeds on a greased cookie sheet.

Once the oven reaches the appropriate temperature sit those babies in there for about 20-25 minutes. You can take them out and give them a stir at the halfway mark if you want. They should be pretty golden brown at the end.

Put them in your favorite serving dish and amaze your friends with your delicious treats.

Look at that sweet delicious treat! It really is that easy to make.

Me and the roomie relaxed in true fall spirit by watching an awesome horror slasher flick.

What are some of your favorite fall treats?

3 thoughts on “Fall Treats! Candied Pumpkin Seeds!

  1. Pingback: Baked Spaghetti Squash (GF/Paleo Alternative) | The Food Mosaic

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